Employee File Tab

Core HR Administrators with the Employee File feature enabled use the tab to store digital copies of employee information. Those with Edit rights can add, delete, and download documents on this tab.  Others may have View rights only.


The Employee File tab provides a convenient way to store and manage digital documents related to your employees, such as general information, sensitive information related to benefits, and payroll data. The tab is divided into three sections named Main, Confidential, and Payroll, by default. These names can be changed by an administrator behind the scenes, if needed. To access this tab, the Employee File feature must be enabled, under the Core HR » Total Talent Profile area on the Features screen (Administration > Global Settings > System Administration > Features). View or Edit rights must be granted for each section. To add, delete, or download files on this tab, you must be a Core HR Administrator with Edit rights to the various sections. The Employee File tab cannot be enabled for other groups via Self-Service Administration.

Field Description
Main File The main file typically stores general information that both employees and managers can review and maintain.
Confidential File Confidential files are typically maintained by Core HR Administrators only, and contain sensitive information, such as benefits.
Payroll File Payroll files are also typically seen by Core HR Administrators only, and contain payroll data such as compensation agreements and bonus plans.
Add File Click to open the Employee File Import dialog and select a file to import. Acceptable files include TXT, PDF, XML, DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, GIF, PNG, and JPG. Maximum file size for upload is determined in System Settings (Administration > Global Settings > System Administration > System Settings > Maximum File Upload Size). When adding a file you assign a category, to aid with organization. Default categories, such as Application, Benefits, and Offboarding, can be modified by an administrator on the Select Lists Management screen (Administration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists).
DownloadDownload File Click to save the file locally, or to another third-party location.
DeleteDelete File Click to delete the uploaded file.